With the many industrial gearboxes available today, it’s vital that you match the proper kind of gearbox with the drive, motor, and load. Whenever a machine needs a servosystem (drive and engine), the gearbox type is crucial for accurate and repeatable motion. Planetary gearboxes suit you perfectly for servo applications.

High-precision helical planetary gearboxes are an excellent choice for applications that require precision and reliability. Planetary gearboxes have very low backlash rankings (typically ranging from one to nine arc-min), so when sized correctly offer a service existence of over 20,000 hours with practically no maintenance. Helical planetary gears also provide very calm and better operation in comparison with competitive products.

Precision gearboxes are carefully machined to high tolerances – believe clockmaker, not blacksmith. They offer power densities that translates to small package size and efficiencies of 90% and greater.
Servomotors often drive loads directly without the need for a gearbox, however in many applications it’s advantageous to make use of a gearbox between the motor and load.

One main reason to employ a gearbox is torque multiplication. It lets designers use smaller sized servosystems that consumes less energy. Instead of buying relatively large servodrives and motors, developer can use smaller elements, saving space and cash.

Output torque increases in direct proportion to the apparatus ratio, and top quickness of the output shaft decreases. If a credit card applicatoin can withstand the decreased speed, a relatively small servosystem can supply high torque.

Gearboxes may also address inertia mismatches. For high performance servosystems — people that have high dynamic responses or low overshoot, for instance – the ratio between your reflected load inertia and electric motor inertia should be as low as practical, preferably under ten-to-one. A precision gearbox decreases the reflected inertia by the sq . of the decrease ratio. For instance, using a 25:1 gearbox decreases the load’s reflected inertia by a factor of 625, a substantial improvement.