A rotary vane vacuum pump is an oil-sealed rotary displacement pump. The pumping system
consists of a housing (1), an eccentrically installed rotor (2), vanes that move radially under spring
force (3) and the inlet and greenhouse motor outlet (4). The store valve is usually oil-sealed. The inlet valve was created as a
vacuum safety valve that is always open during procedure. The working chamber (5) is situated
inside the casing. Rotor and vanes divide the functioning chamber into two separate spaces having
variable volumes. As the rotor turns, gas flows in to the enlarging suction chamber until it really is sealed
off by the next vane. The enclosed gas is compressed until the outlet valve opens against
atmospheric pressure. Regarding gas ballast procedure, a hole to the outside is opened, which
empties in to the sealed suction chamber on the front side.
The Rotor moves by making use of a motor mounted on it.